Incontri del Giovedì - 27 Gennaio 2022

Dr. Thorsten Hülsmann


CNR-IEIIT organizza una serie di seminari con frequenza bisettimanale denominata "Incontri del giovedì" in cui vengono affrontate con il supporto di relatori di rilievo nell'ambito della ricerca scientifica, accademica ed industriale le tematiche caratterizzanti l'Istituto stesso, con una visione trasversale ai domini applicativi ed agli ambiti tecnologici ed uno sguardo rivolto alla loro evoluzione.

Il seminario si è svolto giovedì 27 Gennaio alle ore 17,30 sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Link all'evento registrato:

Relatore:Dr. Thorsten Hülsmann (International Data Spaces)

Titolo seminario:

International Data Spaces – Towards a standard for sovereign data sharing in a hyperconnected world


Data spaces are where the future of data happens. Data spaces comprise relationships between trusted partners that aregoverned by a standard for secure and sovereign data sharing, certification and governance for business and industry across Europe and around the world. Companies hold vast amounts of valuable data that they have been unable to safeguard, share or monetize. The IDS standard enables data sharing through data spaces characterized by uniform rules, certified data providers and recipients and trust among partners. Data spaces provide the basis for fruitful cooperation, lowered barriers to entry and limitless innovation in the data economy of the future. That future truly arrives when more companies implement IDS as their preferred mode of data sharing and when official standards and governance bodies adopt it as the binding global standard.
Why does this matter? Because value - Many data providers currently give their data away or use it as currency in exchange for services and other considerations from large data platforms. For others, data-sharing hurdles create a drag on efficiency or barriers to entry into a market for smaller players. Partners in IDS data sharing relationships are already realizing new efficiencies for example in the automotive industry or enabling smaller companies to enter the lucrative 3D printing market. The possibilities are limitless.
Because privacy and security - Many organizations collect and store data where there is a significant duty to protect the privacy of clients and other consumers. Think of health care, insurance, legal services and more. Data sovereignty means that these data holders can safeguard user data like never before and ensure that it is used only in accordance with strictly defined rules. Our Digital Life Journey project is one application where the data sovereignty provided by IDS changes the game in this regard.


Le registrazioni dei precedenti seminari della serie sono presenti sul canale YouTube dell’Istituto nella playlist “Incontri del Giovedì” al seguente link: