Enrico Cambiaso, Ph.D in Computer Science, has a background working experience as a computer scientist, for both small and big enterprises. He is currently employed at the IEIIT institute of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), as a technologist working on cyber-security topics and focusing on the design of last generation threats.
Enrico Cambiaso got his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the University of Genoa. During his Ph.D., he worked for Ansaldo STS and Selex ES, both companies are part of the Finmeccanica group. He is currently employed at the IEIIT institute of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, as a technologist.
In the cyber-security topic, Enrico Cambiaso coined the term "Slow DoS Attack", designed a wide set of novel cyber-threats and published relevant CVEs affecting network services.
The scientific activity and the research work of Cambiaso Enrico do focus on different research fields on the cyber-security topic, including denial of service attacks, Internet of Things security, Critical Infrastructure Protection.
The involvement of Enrico Cambiaso on different research projects, on security applied to topics such as healthcare, smart cities, IoT-based critical infrastructures, maritime, LEA activities, financial.
In detail, Enrico Cambiaso involvement in different projects funded by the European Commission, such as ANASTACIA (GA no. 731558), FINSEC (GA no. 786727), LoLiPoP-IoT (project no. 101112286), MHMD (GA no. 732907), assuming roles of main unit contact and Work Package leader. He is also coordinator of the FOLLOWME project (project code P202245HZF) financed in the context of PRIN 2022 PNRR.
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