The goal of this one-day workshop is to present state-of-the-art research in control systems theory and its applications to solve relevant problems in aerospace engineering. During the workshop, participants will be driven through several thrilling and promising solutions to current and future challenges such as trustworthy autonomy, learning, trajectory planning, and control in the presence of constraints to name a few. This workshop will be sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls (TCAC). The speakers will be leading TCAC members from the industry, government, and academia involved in some of the most exciting research and development efforts in the aerospace field. The workshop will offer opportunities for questions and answers at the end of each presentation, during two coffee breaks a lunch break, and at a final roundtable discussion with presenters, participants, and other TCAC members. With this initiative, the organizers aim to provide an open forum for discussion with major stakeholders, including researchers, engineers, companies, and practitioners interested in control, identification, and automation in aerospace applications. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers, engineers, companies, and practitioners interested in control, system identification, and automation with aerospace applications. The workshop schedule can be found at, together with the list of speakers and abstracts of the proposed contributions. Each talk will consist of 30' plus 15' for Q&A, separated by coffee and lunch breaks designed to maximize the participants' opportunities to discuss technical problems and tighten or establish professional networks. At the end of the workshop, a roundtable among presenters, participants, and other TCAC members will be organized to discuss about future direction of control for aerospace applications.