Anna Guerra has been awarded the European Research Council Starting Grant for her project CUE-GO, dedicated to the development of new methodologies for creating networks of autonomous agents capable of making smart decisions and navigating unknown environments. Thanks to the use of high-frequency sensors, the autonomous agents can obtain "semantic" information about the environment, associated with electromagnetic clues ("contextual radio cues") that lead to more accurate decisions for navigation.
Anna is a researcher at CNR-IEIIT and her research interests are related to the fields of signal processing, wireless communications, radio localization, and autonomous agent navigation.
In 2018, she also received an H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Global Fellowship for the "AirSens" project, during which she conducted research at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, NY, USA, and at the University of Bologna.
#ERCStG #award #research #EUfunded #HorizonEurope #FrontierResearch