Incontri del Giovedì - 17 Dicembre 2020

Dr. Peter M. Wiedemann

CNR-IEIIT organizza una serie di seminari con frequenza bisettimanale denominata "Incontri del giovedì" in cui vengono affrontate con il supporto di relatori di rilievo nell'ambito della ricerca scientifica, accademica ed industriale le tematiche caratterizzanti l'Istituto stesso, con una visione trasversale ai domini applicativi ed agli ambiti tecnologici ed uno sguardo rivolto alla loro evoluzione.

Nel periodo Settembre-Dicembre 2020 i seminari sono organizzati e promossi in collaborazione con l’Internet Festival 2020 (IF2020) di Pisa (

Il seminario si è svoltogiovedì 17 Dicembre 2020 alle ore 17:30 sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams

Link all'evento registrato

Relatore :  Dr. Peter M. Wiedemann (University of Wollongong, Australia)


“Science communication under siege. What to do for survival”


My talk focuses on science communication under siege, i. e., under circumstances that hinder and restrict the delivery of unbiased scientific evidence to the general public and hamper the reception of scientific insights and their use in every day thinking of the general public.
I will start with a short description of these circumstances and present some insights into the most critical barriers to successful science communication:

  • The ambiguity of scientific fact
  • Politicization science
  • The spread of science related skepticism in the public
  • Low numeracy
  • Biased science perception shaped by conspiracy theories

In the central part of my presentation, I will discuss difficult cases of science communication. They refer to the COVID 19 pandemic, pesticides in beer, vaccination, breast cancer screening, exposure to high voltage power lines, and RF EMF exposure from cell phones and base stations. Next, I will describe how science communicators could handle distrust, skepticism, and science denial.

Finally, I will point out that science communicators should concentrate on science skepticism and devaluation of science. They should also take care of their role as impartial experts in political decision making.


Tutti gli incontri del giovedi possono essere seguiti sul canale You Tube: