Phase A/B1 of Passive Microwave Imaging Mission (CIMR A/B1)

This project is part of the Copernicus Programme evolution (so-called “Copernicus Space Component Expansion”), i.e. the new missions that have been identified by the European Commission (EC) as priorities for implementation in the coming years for providing additional capabilities in support of current emerging user needs. The subjects of the project are the feasibility study for one of these candidate missions, namely the Passive Microwave Imaging Mission (CIMR). Passive Microwave Imaging Multi-Spectral Radiometers uniquely observe a wide range of parameters, in particular sea ice concentration, and serve operational systems at almost all weather conditions, day and night. This mission shall provide improved continuity of sea ice concentration monitoring missions, in particular in terms of spatial resolution, temporal resolution (sub-daily) and accuracy (in particular near the ice edges). The project includes also some predevelopment studies in order to increase the TRL of the technologies that are most critical for the mission.
Partners: Thales Alenia Space Italia, OHB Italia, Technical University of Denmark.
IEIIT is in charge of the antenna and radiometric design, including two technological predevelopments focused on the antenna-feed chains and antenna pattern correction algorithms.
Funding: European Space Agency (ESA) under the EC Copernicus Space Component Expansion programme (ESA ITT nr. AO/1-9186/17/NL/AI)
Timeline: 2018-2020