
/Senior Technologist

Maurizio Aiello graduated in physics, worked as a free-lance consultant both for universities and research center and for private industries. From August 2001, he is employed at CNR, working on network security. He worked as teacher at the University of Genoa and University College of Dublin; students coordinator, fellowships and EU projects in the computer security field. His research activities are on network security and protocols.

Maurizio Aiello got his Scientific High school degree at the Nunziatella Military School, vote 60/60. Degree in Physics from the University of Genoa, 110/110 honors awarded in March 1994, field of interest the non-relativistic baryon quark model. He worked in the field of molecular dynamics for Glaxo Wellcome Inc. and CNR-IBF from 1995 to 1998. From 1995 to 1999 he was founder and manager of the Genoa branch of Alpha test s.r.l. He worked as system manager for Finmeccanica ElsagDatamat from 1997 to 1999. From 1998 to 2001 he was technical Officer for the University of Genoa (head of ICT infrastructure at the University of Genoa, Department of Physics), and contemporary freelance for primary companies, banks, institutions. From 2001 he is technologist (CNR - IEIIT). Since 2006 he is also founder and CEO of Cleis Security S.R.L. , a spin-off company of the National Research Council in the field of ICT Security. The main positions held and interests include:

  • Teaching activities for national and international universities (University of Genova, University College of Dublin) and Companies
  • Participation in representation of CNR to Scientific Committees (Scientific Council of Milano Ricerche, Scientific Council of the ICT Department of the CNR, Scientific Council of “Scuola di Robotica”, component for the UNI-ISO 27000 group of UNINFO, Scientific Council of Polo SOSIA – System of Systems and Intelligent Automation)
  • Collaboration and commissions with government bodies in the field of information security, both italian and international
  • Responsible for several research projects and technological development both national and international, and currently responsible for national commitment Network Security of the National Research Council
  • Responsible for the Infrastructure and Information Network of the National Research Council, on the territory of Liguria
  • Author of software and hardware appliances in the field of computer security
  • Author of publications in the field of nuclear physics, molecular dynamics, network security