Incontri del Giovedì - 16 Maggio 2024

Dr.-Ing. Can Dincer


CNR-IEIIT organizza una serie di seminari con frequenza bisettimanale denominata "Incontri del giovedì" in cui vengono affrontate con il supporto di relatori di rilievo nell'ambito della ricerca scientifica, accademica ed industriale le tematiche caratterizzanti l'Istituto stesso, con una visione trasversale ai domini applicativi ed agli ambiti tecnologici ed uno sguardo rivolto alla loro evoluzione.

Il seminario si è svolto in forma telematica giovedì 16 Maggio 2024 alle ore 17:30 utilizzando la piattaforma Microsoft Teams.

Link all'evento registrato:

Relatore: Dr.-Ing. Can Dincer (IMTEK & FIT - University of Freiburg)

Titolo seminario:
Disposable sensors for next-generation diagnostics

Disposable sensors are low-cost and easy-to-handle sensing devices for short-term or single-shot measurements. Over the last decade, they have become increasingly important for medical applications, especially for the point-of-care and wearable diagnostics. In this talk, first a brief introduction to disposable sensors will be given. Afterwards, different biosensing approaches, developed in my research group, for next-generation diagnostics will be presented: (i) Multiplexed on-site therapeutic drug monitoring of antibiotics from invasive and non-invasive samples toward personalized antibiotherapy, (ii) CRISPR-powered electrochemical biosensors for target amplification-free, simultaneous and on-site detection of multiple nucleic acids and other (bio)molecules (such as proteins or drugs) for the management of infectious diseases, (iii) wearable microfluidic immunosensing devices for lab-on-a-bird applications and beyond, (iv) low-cost electrochemical paper-based wearable sensors that can be integrated to any type of facemask for wearable and continuous monitoring of breath biochemistry and/or testing of the infectious diseases such as coronaviruses from exhaled breath, and (v) light-controlled dynamic bioassays using optogenetic switches (OptoAssays) for wash- and pump-free point-of-care diagnostics.


Le registrazioni dei precedenti seminari della serie sono presenti sul canale YouTube dell’Istituto nella playlist “Incontri del Giovedì” al seguente link: