Incontri del Giovedì - 11 Febbraio 2021

Prof. Marco Aldinucci

CNR-IEIIT organizza una serie di seminari con frequenza bisettimanale denominata "Incontri del Giovedì" in cui vengono affrontate con il supporto di relatori di rilievo nell'ambito della ricerca scientifica, accademica ed industriale le tematiche caratterizzanti l'Istituto stesso, con una visione trasversale ai domini applicativi ed agli ambiti tecnologici ed uno sguardo rivolto alla loro evoluzione.

Il seminario si è svolto Giovedì 11 Febbraio 2021 alle ore 17:30 sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams

Link all'evento registrato

Relatore : Prof. Marco Aldinucci (Computer Science Department , University of Torino)


On High-Performance Computing, AI and their fatal attraction


Computer Science evolves by successive abstractions. Today, after 30 years of business-as-usual, High-Performance Computing (HPC) extending beyond traditional application fields. For years, HPC systems have fed on differential equations; the ability to calculate many mathematical operations per second (FLOPS) was the key to solving bigger and bigger problems and finding ever more precise solutions. The explosion of data resulting from digital transformation has shifted the demand for HPC from traditional applications (equations & simulations) to methods for analyzing large amounts of data (BigData & Deep Learning). Under this thrust, the programming and use models of HPC systems evolve towards much more abstract models, capable of satisfying traditional needs and simplifying new applications' development. The challenges for designers are renewed: from FLOPS to efficient management of data in memory; from low-level abstraction programming models based on send-receive to the composition of micro-services for software reuse; from double-precision math to low-precision but efficient math for deep neural networks; from job queues to the scheduling of multiple isolated operating system instances (dockers). The seminar aims to give an introductory view of HPC and how it has evolved under the pressure of modern applications deeply rooted in AI applications, including one that aiming at scientific grand challenges.


Tutti gli incontri del giovedi possono essere seguiti sul canale You Tube: