IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation - OJAP
Call for Papers: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Antenna and Field Measurements
Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2022
Giuseppe Virone - National Research Council, Italy
Aims & Scope: Innovative strategies are required for the performance verification of large radiotelescope antennas, satellite ground stations, agglomerates of broadcast and cellular base stations, antennas on large platforms such as ships or aircrafts for both radar and telecommunication applications. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are nowadays being exploited as flying source/probe antenna positioners in various innovative indoor, outdoor and in-situ measurements from HF to millimeter-waves. Both near- and far-field strategies are being developed and tested. These topics will be covered in this Special Section with particular reference to measurement approaches and data processing, onboard antenna design, RF/UAV hardware setup, positioning strategies and the corresponding accuracy.
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