
VCSEL day 2023
Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Workshop

CUE-GO, Contextual Radio Cues for Enhancing Decision Making in Networks of Autonomous Agents
ERC Starting Grant 2023, PI: Anna Guerra

Controls for Aerospace Applications: Current Solutions to Future Challenges
Workshop sponsored by IEEE Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls

IES Student and Young Professionals Paper Assistances (IES-SYPA) competition – INDIN 2023
Gabriele Formis wins the IES-SYPA

Best Paper Award – ICC 2023
CNR-IEIIT researcher Nicolò Decarli is the co-recipient of the Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC 2023

Breakthrough model of breast cancer metastasis to the bone
The B2B H2020 Pathfinder project is just ended

BUILD-IT Workshop 2023
BUILding a DIgital Twin: requirements, methods, and applications

Evento Centenario CNR “UNA SOLA SALUTE”
La bioingegneria e la tecnologia a servizio della salute degli esseri umani, degli animali e dei vegetali

IEIIT protagonist at IEEE WFCS 2023
From the organization of the event to scientific presentations

International Awards @ EUCNC 2023
Emilio Paolini (IEIIT) receives travel grant to attend the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC) & 6G Summit

Indo-Italian Workshop at IIT Patna
IEIIT joined the workshop in the context of INPATIENT bilateral project

Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) conference 2023
Stella Civelli parteciperà alla Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) conference 2023 - San Diego (CA) - 5-9 Marzo 2023

Chiusura Progetto Europeo B2B
Si conclude il progetto europeo "B2B - From Breast to Bone" coordinato dalla ricercatrice CNR-IEIIT Silvia Scaglione

JTWIA 2023 – La prevenzione scende in piazza
CNR-IEIIT sarà presente all’evento Just The Woman I Am (3-4-5 Marzo 2023, Torino)

RAISE Kick Off Meeting
CNR-IEIIT is partner of the Innovation Ecosystem RAISE